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Frequently Asked Questions

We have tried hard to include all of the questions that we get asked the most. Our support team is always available if you need additional help or if you don't see your question answered here.

It is a service that monitors your title and alerts you if anything new has been filed or changed.
No title insurance makes sure your title is clear before you purchase the property and if it turns out it wasn't the insurance covers the cost of that. It is typically in regard to liens or judgements against the property and not designed to protect against modern frauds.
We are a real estate and technology company founded in 2009 with the goal of helping Americans become homeowners and build wealth in their realty. Check out our about page if you want to learn more.
We provide special listings that give people a chance to get a home at a discounted price like a foreclosure. Also rent to own and other options like this give people with lower credit scores an opportunity into home ownership.
Yes our services cost money but we have worked hard to keep our pricing well below our competitors to make sure all Americans can get access.
We have partnered with many companies through out the real estate landscape including real estate agents, data processing, home warranty, record processing, record retrieval and more. It is our goal to make sure new home owners have the opportunity to get protection at a great price.